What an adventure

>> Sunday, August 23, 2009

Friday morning we headed to the Cape for what ended up being a pretty big adventure. I wasn't able to go diving because I lost my fin almost as soon as I got in the water, but Mr. Snail and our friend were able to go, while I waited on the boat.

After they surfaced, the boat started taking on a ton of water, with the back of the boat pretty much completely full of water. After we cleared all the water out, the engine wouldn't start! It was looking pretty grim - our options were to try to call someone to come and tow us in, or try to flag down some of the nonexistent boats that weren't cruising by.

In the end, we were able to get the engine started, and we headed back to the shore, only to run into the tide going out, and getting semi-stuck in too shallow water, and having to push the boat back out so we could go to a different harbor. The good thing was that we were able to get a good workout in between the pumping, bailing, paddling, and pushing.

Our friend and Mr. Snail pushing the boat
Clouds in the distance, with terns circling
(this looks best at full size)

On Saturday morning, we got up and had some breakfast at our friend's house, and returned our gear. It had rained pretty heavily during breakfast, so we weren't going to go to the beach, but it ended up clearing up, so we headed to the beach and ended up staying for about 5 hours. My friend introduced me to Hawaiian Tropic oil, which I'd never used before (I figured that because it's my first (and probably only) time at the beach all summer, just this once would be okay).
All in all, it was a really fun weekend. It was great to see our friend (hadn't seen him in a couple of years), and we always enjoy the Cape!

Delicious breakfast, including fresh peaches

View from our friend's kitchen (you can see all the way to the ocean)

My favorite beach in the whole world


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